The patented Deterra® System deactivates prescription drugs, pills, patches, liquids, creams and films. Deterra renders them inert, unavailable for misuse and safe for the environment. In a simple 3-step process, a user deactivates the drugs by putting them in a Deterra pouch or container, adding water, shaking and throwing it away. It’s truly that simple.
You can request free Narcan and Deterra by scanning the QR code or visiting the link belowand filling out the survey.
You can participate in mail-back programs for unused medications. Check with your doctor, pharmacy, or local police station to see if they offer mail-back packages. Legitimate packages should include pre-paid postage, unique ID numbers, and be pre-addressed to a location authorized by the DEA. Avoid leaving packages in unsecured mailboxes.
If you would like to offer mail-back programs through your office, or for more information on mail-back programs, refer to legal requirements found on the DEA website.